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Официальная интернет-версия бумажного журнала

Error debug: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ORDER BY ar_datetime DESC LIMIT 15,15' at line 12
Query: SELECT ar_code, ar_title, ar_alias, ar_link, ar_anons, ar_text, ar_picext, DATE_FORMAT(ar_datetime,'%d.%m.%y') as ar_date, DATE_FORMAT(ar_datetime,'%d') as ar_day, DATE_FORMAT(ar_datetime,'%m') as ar_month, DATE_FORMAT(ar_datetime,'%Y') as ar_year, ru_code,ru_name FROM majo_articles, majo_rubricator WHERE ar_view=1 AND ru_code = ar_ru_code AND ar_datetime <= from_unixtime(1713507577) AND ru_code = ORDER BY ar_datetime DESC LIMIT 15,15
DB Error